Empowering Education: A Day in the Life of a Student at Casa Esperanza

Our education program is changing lives –– one student at a time.

We believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower the kids in our community to reach their full potential. And although a day at Casa Esperanza seeks to provide an academic foundation for each child that walks in, the program does so much more. 

But what exactly happens at our education program? Well, here’s what a typical day looks like for our students: 

Step 1: Starting off the Day

Warming up to get ready to learn!

Our program provides two different sessions: one in the morning, and one in the afternoon. 

At the beginning of each session, students are given the opportunity to engage in a fun, dynamic 10-minute warm-up! This dedicated time allows them to prepare their minds and bodies for a day of learning, while also allowing them to release any energy and create a supportive classroom community.

Step 2: Food!

Getting ready for our meal!

Whether it’s an early breakfast of an afternoon lunch, every student starts their day with a balanced, healthy meal. These meals are about so much more than just food––proper nutrition not only allows our students to learn about the importance of healthy eating habits, but it improves their academic success, physical health, cognitive function, and emotional well-being!

Before eating, every student washes their hands and prays over their food. The simple act of washing hands before meals teaches the value of personal hygiene practices, and daily prayer reminds each of our students that they are loved and valued by God.

Step 2: Cleaning Up!

Getting ready to learn!

After enjoying their meal, each student is put in charge of cleaning up their space and brushing their teeth! Cleaning up after meals encourages independence, and through this they become self-reliant in managing their tasks, developing problem-solving skills, and taking initiative. By taking charge of their responsibilities, they gain confidence and a sense of accomplishment, building the foundation for their future success!

Step 3: Preparing For Class

Getting our materials ready!

Before diving into class, each student is charged with the task of gathering and preparing their materials for the day ahead. By taking the initiative to gather their books, binders, and necessary materials, students develop a sense of ownership over their education and learn to take responsibility for their learning journey!

Step 4: Class Time!

Time to practice our learning!

When it’s time for class, students are separated into three different groups based on their educational needs so that each can be met exactly where they are! In these groups, students engage in focused reading and math activities for 45 minutes each. This intentional division of time allows for deep exploration and practice in both subjects every day. By prioritizing both reading and math in the curriculum, our program provides students with an academic foundation that fills in other educational gaps they might be experiencing in public schools. 

In fact, many students who have come into our program started out without being able to recognize vowels. After some time at MdC, though, these students are now able to read!

Step 5: Recess

Getting all of our energy out!

At the end of the day, students often get to enjoy finishing their session with recess! During this time, students have the opportunity to engage in activities, play games, and interact with each other. This time serves as an opportunity to foster a community between our students and develop relationships between those in our program. 

Step 6: Saying Goodbye!

As students leave, each is given a fresh piece of fruit to take with them. This not only promotes their physical health and well-being, but it fosters a positive and engaging environment that makes them eager to come back!

At the end of the day, our program is doing more than just providing a curriculum––it’s laying a foundation for a sustainable future for each student we serve. “You see hope in them”, says Maria Mesta, MdC’s education director. 

A day at Casa Esperanza is about so much more than just receiving an education: It’s about empowerment. And when students are empowered, we invest in a generation that can transform communities and ultimately break the cycle of poverty. 

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