Our Team
All of our team members share their expertise from professional experiences, skills, and personal gifts. Our team in Mexico understands the challenges at the border because all members live in or near the areas where we serve in San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora Mexico. We hire members of the community we serve to our team whenever possible. Our Mexico team understands poverty and as a result they have hearts of compassion and care and are passionate about serving others. Each member of the team brings their unique experience and expertise and together we are making a difference.
Jean Sicurella
President and Co-Founder
Jean’s career has been focused in the area of business management and sales in both non and for-profit organizations. Jean is using her skills to oversee and ensure the smooth operation of both the US and Mexico teams in all facets of the organization. Jean lives in Boston, MA but travels monthly to Mexico and works closely with the team to fulfill their mission. Jean’s heart breaks for those in need and is thankful to such a great team that has a shared vision to empower women and children.
Ana MArtinez
Ana has experience at teaching at all levels, although at MdC her primary focus is teaching middle school and English. Ana also has an aptitude for teaching Math and Science. She loves to serve and grow as a person. She really likes that MdC is focused on helping students learn and use their knowledge in the future and teaching students about God. In her free time she likes to sew and clothes for herself.
Angelica GarcÍa
Director of Mexico Operations
Angelica graduated from Sonora University Center for Law Studies with a degree in Law. Before joining MdC, Angelica worked in the Mexico family and criminal courts. Angelica is a member of our MdC Mexico Board of Directors and manages the operations in Mexico. Angelica also mentors and launches women in their entrepreneurial ventures. Angelica enjoys building relationships with the women in our community and sharing her expertise. Angelica is an accomplished artist and teaches art to MdC students once per week.
Angelica Velasco
Saturday Program
Angelica has a degree as a bioalimentary process engineer. She joined the MdC team to help manage our Saturday programs and she enjoys motivating women to improve their health. “I am very happy and grateful to belong to the great work that MdC does. I enjoy being part of the MdC projects.” Angelica wants to continue her education to better understand food engineering.
ann wickham
Human Resources
Ann recently retired from a 38 year career working for global health NGOs, focusing on human resource management and administration. In this capacity, she oversaw the development and roll out of both country and US based HR tools, systems and policies. Ann lives in Boston, MA with her husband and has three young adult children. She is thrilled to be a part of the MdC team!
anna heard
Anna is a member of our fundraising and donor relations team working to raise funds to further accomplish our mission and vision for a vibrant and thriving community. For the last few years Anna has worked with a nonprofit serving at-risk women and children in Cambodia and Morocco, but she has always felt drawn to Latin American communities. Anna is excited to use her skills in communication and creativity to further the work we are doing at the border of Mexico.
Feed-A-Family Team Member
Antonio is currently in college studying International Trade. His role at MdC is in the despensas team making and delivering groceries. He also helps to set up tables, chairs, run errands, and with anything delivering groceries. He enjoys supporting women and children who need help improving their lifestyle and being able be part of the change.
Aurora Santiago
Administrative Staff
Aurora is a mother of three children and lives in the community where MdC serves. She is a hard worker and has moved up in the organization over the last 3 years. She started cleaning our facility and teaching embroidery and now has developed computer skills and works in the front office. Aurora collects school tuition payments and manages our Biswas Loan Program and other administrative tasks. “I am very happy to work for MdC. I enjoy what I do very much and I am grateful for the opportunity I have been given.”
Autumn Bouck
U.S. Finance and Administration
Autumn manages the finances and helps coordinate operations at MdC. She has spent the last several years volunteering in administration and finance for a local non-profit organization and she is glad to reach out beyond her community to help refugees at the Mexico/U.S. Border. Autumn has a degree in English and Spanish and has worked in a variety of roles in communications and administration.
Belen Merlo
Preschool Teacher
Belen is a preschool teacher who loves being around children: talking to them and playing with them. She started working at MdC because of her love for working with children and feels sure God brought her to MdC for a purpose. Belen has gone back to school part time time for a degree in early childhood education.
Blanca Gámez
Blanca has a bachelor’s degree in education. She is currently an elementary school teacher in grades 5 and 6. She enjoys spending time with her family, reading, and listening to music. She enjoys working at Misión de Caridad because she can teach and serve the Lord at the same time and she can help and support families. Her future plan is to have a house and work hard to pay for her daughter's education studying medicine.
Brenda Silvas
Brenda studied Nutrition at Sonora State University. At MdC, she teaches nutrition and gives seminars to the women. She enjoys teaching them how to eat a healthy and balanced diet. She aspires for personal growth, to develop skills in the community nutritional field such as nutritional intervention programs or strategies to improve nutritional status, as well as professional and personal learning.
Feed-A-Family Team Member
Carlos is a member of our feed-a-family grocery program. He helps to assemble and distribute groceries to over 50 families each month. He enjoys supporting the community and seeing how MdC is a source of nourishment and blessing for families. Being a part of the grocery program has helped him value his home and family.
Carmen Julián
Carmen studied in high school as a computer technician and is married with two children. She originally joined the MdC team as a math teacher and now is a lead teacher of 3/4th grade. Carmen lives in the community where we serve and previously worked at CONAFE high school teaching children in another city. “I am very thankful to belong to this team for doing altruistic work.”
Cayla Kwok
U.S. Intern
Cayla is a rising junior attending Arlington High School. She enjoys writing for the journalism club and using her voice to raise awareness in the community. Through Model UN, she learns about world issues and international relations. She is utilizing these skills while working with MdC to help redesign their website, organize and enter data, and assist with various projects.
Denisse Alfar0
Denisse, who has a degree in education, is currently a preschool teacher and the plays the piano and sings at the daily devotionals that are held at Casa Esperanza. She enjoys singing, going to church, and being with her family. She enjoys teaching at MdC because it is a Christian school which supports her beliefs and her desire to serve God.
Cooking Team
Diana started as a volunteer but has expanded her role into a full-time cook on our MdC kitchen staff. Diana has served with MdC since it’s inception and enjoyed that her sons can also serve with her in the Saturday Program.
Esmerelda Corral
Cleaning Staff
Esmeralda is a community staff member and works for Mision de Caridad on our cleaning staff. She ensures that our facility is well-kept and organized. She takes initiative in many of the different tasks that need to be done daily. She likes to be helpful. She is a financial support to her husband and she has been working to expand her house by adding rooms and improving the space in her free time on the weekends.
Felicia Flora Cruz
Cooking Team
Felicia is a community staff member and studied until third grade. She likes hairdressing one day she would like to get a certificate so in the future she can have her own beauty salon. She also likes to spend quality time with her children. At MdC, she has the opportunity to take care of her children while working, and she is grateful for the education her children receive at MdC. Felicia works full time as a cook in the MdC kitchen.
Fernanda Yareli Mosqueda
Fernanda graduated as Innovation and Development Engineering. She works at Mision de Caridad as Secretary. She is in the front desk giving information to new families that want to be part of our programs. She likes to spend quality time with people and enjoys helping others. She likes to work at MDC because she believes in our mission, and feels good to know her work can help several families.
Flexible Team Member
Fernando’s role is to assist with Super Saturdays. He helps with the back-end work cleaning, setting up the tables and chairs before the program begins, and at the end of the day, he helps clean the tables and chairs to put them in the storage. He enjoys supporting the community and being part of MdC.
Cooking Team
Gabriela studied up until elementary school and lives in the Casa Esperanza community. Gabriela’s role is as a primary cook for MdC. Gabi likes working at MdC because it is a friendly work environment. She is always eager to learn more and is willing to serve in whatever way MdC needs. Gabi is motivated to work hard and to do a good job.
Graciela Valles
Childcare Assistant
Graciela is part of the Mision de Caridad teaching staff. She assists in the preschool classroom and also in other classes where needed. She is always eager to help and pitch in where neded. She recently went back to school to take classes focused on early childhood educationa and looks forward to expanding her work in the classroom.
Génesis Barraza
Program Assistant
Génesis is in high school, she has been in the Mision de Caridad since its beginning. Her primary role is during our Super Saturdays program is to support the preschool students. See enjoys taking care of children and especially babies. She likes to see the children happy, to see them have fun and support them so they can succeed. When she goes to college she wants to study nursing. She has been assisting taking blood pressures at our most recent medical fairs.
gisell figueroa
Gisell has a degree in Psychopedagogical Counseling and is also a graduate of the Instituto Interdenominacional Cristo para las Naciones Monterrey where she completed her Bachelor's Degree in Theology and Practical Ministerial Career. At MdC, she works in the middle school and leads daily devotions. She enjoys the teaching-learning process with the students, but most of all seeing the constant improvement in the lives of everyone who attends MdC.
Hilary Perez
MdC Assistant
Hilary dropped out of elementary school in the 6th grade and went to work to help support her family. She worked at MdC as a kitchen assistant and as soon as we started a middle school, she enrolled to continue her studies. She continues to work at MdC before and after school to supplement her families income. Her future plan is to finish her studies and receive a degree in nutrition.
Janelle Goodwin
U.S. Intern - Data Analysis
Janelle is a senior in college studying biology with a chemistry minor. She plans to work in clinical research data analytics when she graduates. Janelle previously worked in admin and am now helps MdC to develop medical records and other forms for the medical fairs. Additionally, she analyzes the data from these fairs and from surveys that have been previously taken to assess the progress and needs of the community.
Linda Kilburn-peterson
U.S. Special Projects
Linda works on a variety of special projects for MdC, including strategic planning and supporting fundraising. Since receiving her MBA, Linda has worked as a strategy consultant in both the for profit and nonprofit sectors and as an operations leader, developing people systems and internal processes to drive success. She is excited to participate in the important work MdC is doing at the Mexico/US border.
Lorena Velasco
Flexible Team Member
Lorena studied up to middle school and moved to the area from Oaxaca. Her family was one of MdC’s first families and she was one of our first community hires. Lorena serves in a variety of roles, including as a cook on Saturdays and as a babysitter in our special events. She enjoys working for MdC because she gets to see the development of each family; while the children learn, she also learns. Her biggest motivation are her children and becoming a better mother. She is grateful to be able to help the community that also helps her.
Director of Education
Maria graduated as an accountant and was an English teacher for six years before joining MdC. Maria believes that each child deserves an education and she makes it her mission to make that happen. She is responsible for MdC’s school, Instituto Esperanza, and leads her team of teachers to make learning fun and engaging. Helping others is something she loves to do and she is committed to serving the community as long as God gives her life. Maria and her husband just purchased their first home.
Nikita KasaraNeni
U.S. Intern - Data Analysis
Nikita plays a key role in helping MdC understand the issues facing migrants at the border. Nikita analyzes the data collected from communities served by MdC and helps us identify patterns that we use to build better programs.
Oscar Gonzalez
Director of Facilities
Before coming to MdC, Oscar worked as a civil engineer in Mexico For years he volunteered at MdC special events and as a translator. Oscar's passion to serve drove him to change careers and shift to a full-time role at MdC as our Director of Facilities. Oscar ensures our space at Casa Esperanza is safe, well-maintained, and functioning well to meet the needs of our school and diverse programs. Oscar is excited to be on the MdC management team because loves helping people and he is excited to make a positive contribution to the MdC community. In his spare time he enjoys playing board and videogames.
Rosa Isela Escoto
Community Liaison
Rosa, “Rosita” has three children: Alejandra, Antonio, and Genesis. She works in administration at a local newspaper and also part-time for MdC. Rosita has been with MdC from the beginning, focusing in the area of registration and family relations. Rosita has a heart for the families we serve and enjoys supporting MdC’s projects and programs. She is the friendly face that families first see at most of our programs.
Sabina Velasco
Sabina has been a MdC community member since 2021 and was hired in 2024 as part of the MdC support staff and laundry department. Sabina is responsible to ensure all student uniforms are laundered every day. She likes that she can work where her children are close by and that she can be part of such a unique organization. Sabina’s main goal in life is to provide her children with the tools and support they need obtain a college education. In her free time she likes to spend quality time with her family.
Sarai MEZA
Substitute Teacher
Sarai received her Bachelor’s Degree in teaching English as a second language. She also studied the career of a laboratory technician during high school. Sarai works in MdC’s Education Programs teaching in middle school and English at different grade levels. Serving and teaching are what she loves the most and plans to do her whole life.
Unervi has a degree in Communication Sciences. He has participated as the head photographer since the beginning of MdC. He has captured many of the most important moments of our organization. He has participated in medical fairs, celebrations, and important events. He is also the photographer of our bag and embroidery programs. He manages to transmit the love and happiness of people with each of his photographs
Victoria Nelson
U.S. Director of Marketing
Victoria has a degree in business and non-profit management from Lesley University and serves as MdC's Director of Marketing and Communications. Victoria oversees our social media platforms and website. She drives our marketing strategy, ensuring all aspects of our messaging stays consistent with our vision, brand and goals.
Viviana Milan Martinez
Cleaning Staff
Viviana is and MdC community member and part of our cleaning staff. She started working with MdC to help pay her daughter's dentist bills, and she continued in the position because she likes the work enviroment at Casa Esperanza. In her free time, she likes to play Mario Bros videogames. Viviana enjoys the time with her colleagues and likes to keep busy. Her main goal is to be able to finish the construction of her home.