MdC Launches "Feed-a-Family" Program


CORONA KITS: Thanks to the help of many of our donors, in March, prior to there being any known cases of COVID-19 on the Mexico side of the U.S. border, MdC was able to distribute “Corona Kits” to shelters in San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexicali, and Tijuana.  Kits included medicines, cleaning supplies, and gloves to help curb the spread of the virus. 

COVID-19 ON THE RISE: Now, in mid-April, COVID-19 has become a dangerous reality in many of the border towns and there is a critical need developing in San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora Mexico (SLRC). In SLRC, there has been a steady increase in the number of COVID-19 cases. SLRC has the highest number of cases in the state (even higher than the capital) and a 14% mortality rate. In response to the crisis, the authorities have instituted stay-at-home orders, closed all non-essential business, implemented travel restrictions and for any essential travel (for food, medicine, etc) only one person per vehicle is permitted.

THE IMPACT: There are significant consequences for non-compliance including ticketing and threat of arrest. These measures, although necessary for the halt of COVID-19, are devastating to a population that survives pay-check-to-paycheck. To make matters worse, many stores have taken advantage of the situation and have significantly raised their prices. Unfortunately, the government does not provide assistance, and they don’t have food programs as we have in the states.

OUR RESPONSE: On May 4th, MdC is launching “Feed-a-Family” to meet the needs of the poorest families who live on the outskirts of the city, and for $80 we are able to feed a family for 14-days. We will deliver groceries containing the essential food items for a family of 6-8 people to prepare their meals. Groceries will be purchased from family-owned stores as an additional way to support the local economy. The majority of families supported are unable to work due to the crisis and will have $0 income and no other way of feeding their family during this time.

COVID SAFETY: The groceries will be packed at the store and provided with minimal contact to MdC volunteers. Groceries will be delivered without direct contact with the recipients.  All MdC volunteers will be required to wear face masks and follow hand washing and hand sanitizing standards to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Contained with each grocery delivery will be informational flyers, in Spanish, to educate about the virus. Masks will be distributed as needed.

COSTS: It is estimated that the cost to feed each family will be $80 every two weeks. The initial plan is to feed 20-families over a 12-week period at a cost of $9,600.  With an average of between 6 and 8 people per household, the estimated cost is between $10-$13 per person every two weeks. We will adjust as necessary as needs change and funds permit.

We hope you will help support our efforts. 100% of the money raised directly impacts families.