Meet Fabiola - MdC's Water Program Coordinator
MdC would like to introduce one of our amazing staff members, Fabiola! Fabiola lives in San Luis Rio Colorado in Sonora Mexico, within the Besitos community (the community in which MdC serves). She also is a part of MdC’s water program as the Water Coordinator. Fabiola has been a witness to the brokenness of the community and is actively seeking change.
Families in the "Besitos" community struggle to make ends meet, where 99% of them earn less than $100 per week. Additionally, families don’t have access to clean water in their homes, so MdC has set-up a water filling station.
Many people will bring their 5-gallon jugs to refill with water which is distributed by Fabiola
Water is available to families to refill their 5-gallon jugs of water, that we provide, 5-days a week Monday-Friday. We ask for a token donation of 2 pesos (the equivalent of 20 cents in the United States) which in the end we will give back to the community and host a fun event.
The poverty that families experience extends way beyond water. The pictures below, depict some of the living challenges that families face. On this house has no electricity, a dirt floor, sleeping and cooking area combined, and no glass in the window. The microwave’s only purpose is to store food away from the dogs.
On the right, This structure is made of wood (vs. brick) and does not have a roof. This house has electricity, but there are many dangers by having a house made of scrap wood. Both of the scenarios in these houses are very common.
Fabiola describes how she sees the Besitos community.
People in the Besitos community share the same needs and struggles. Many children are forced to work instead of attend school in order to provide enough for their household. Many of these children are way too young to work which breaks my heart because I know how important an education is to their future.
I am passionate about helping others who are in need and in addition to my water duties, I serve in MdC’s Super Saturday program. I actively seek change for my community and I try to do it with joy.
One of MdC’s Co-Founders, Jean Sicurella, described Fabiola as someone who is always smiling and joyful in every situation.
Jean is pictured with Fabiola
How did you get involved with MdC?
I first got involved with MdC when they delivered food to my home. At that time I was working at a factory in order to provide for my family and working long hours away from home. I was apart from my children most of the day which broke my heart. Even though I worked over 40 hours a week, I only brought home a total of $60 each week. Unfortunately, that was not enough to meet the financial needs of my family.
One day, I came home from work and began to pray that God would provide me a new job where I would be able to financially support my family while also being more present in my children's lives. Little did I know that at that exact same time, MdC Co-Founders, Francisco and Jean were contemplating offering me a job.
When Francisco and Jean approached me about working for MdC, I was immediately joyful and so thankful that God would provide a job where I could work full time and still be able to be with my children. My children mean everything to me and I am so thankful to be able to have this opportunity to work and at the same time serve the community that I deeply love.
Fabiola with her son Brandon outside of their home
Fabiola showing how to fill up the jug with water
Who is in your family?
I am the sole financial supporter of my family which includes 4 children, ages 12, 9, 4, and 2. I love my family with all my heart and am praying they will have a better future than I experienced growing up. I always wanted to go to school and study but unfortunately was not able to. I am praying that my children will be able to continue to attend school and live out their dreams for their lives.
My eldest daughter, Emili, aspires to one day be an attorney. Because of the opportunities that MdC has to offer, my daughter may actually be able to see this dream and passion into fruition.
I feel so encouraged that the MdC staff always speak so highly about me. Most people would describe me as joyful, but I love that my children are similar to me but even more joyful.
In your experience, how has MdC helped the Besitos Community ?
Not only has MdC helped empower the women and children in the community, but they have also helped the community economically. I explained to the MdC staff that they “help economically because before they [Besitos] would actually have to pay for the water. Now they just have to come to fill their jugs for almost nothing.”
MdC has changed my life in so many ways for the better. I would like to tell the MdC supporters to continue giving and supporting this organization because they are making a difference in my community and giving people hope for a better future.
**This article has been translated from Spanish and edited to be more readable.