Limited Edition Green & Gold Bag

Limited Edition Green & Gold Bag


This statement piece is perfect for everyday use! Each handwoven tote is made out of recycled plastic sourced from Central Mexico. Each bag features a tag with the story of the artisan who made it. Each bag is handwoven specifically for you!


  1. 100% handmade with ethically sourced materials

  2. Unlined, waterproof, and made with love

  3. Fairtrade

  4. Made to last, can easily carry: laptop, books, & more!


Length: 11.5 inches

Height: 9.5 inches

Width: 4.5 inches

Handle: 10.5 inches

*Sizes may vary slightly.

Plastic absorbs color differently - so exact color may vary slightly in hue

Bags typically ship within 2 weeks

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